Through prayers, songs, and other expressions of worship, we will offer thanksgiving for Jesus’s sacrifice on our behalf.
CONNECTION DETAILS for Good Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 841 7612 3237
Passcode: 095164
One tap mobile
+1-312-626-6799, 84176123237#,,,,*095164# US (Chicago))
+1-646-558-8656, 84176123237#,,,,*095164# US (New York)
Resource: How to Join a Zoom Meeting
Order of Service
Good Friday Offering
Each year, on Good Friday, we direct our offering toward a local or global outreach ministry. This year’s Good Friday offering will support relief efforts in Ukraine administrated by a Minnesota-based ministry called Shepherd’s Foundation. Several members of Church of the Redeemer have travelled-to and/or have personal connections in Ukraine through this ministry.
Since the start of the Russian invasion, a camp owned by Shepherd’s Foundation has served as a transit hub for refugees. The camp purchased six 10-person vans over the last 7-10 days and are hoping to get two more as soon as possible. Drivers are driving into combat zones in the east, transporting people overnight to the camp, and then transporting them from there to Poland.
Between now and Holy Week, gifts may be given to Shepherd’s by going to the giving page and selecting “Good Friday Offering.” You may also use our offering box to give on Sundays or mail checks to Church of the Redeemer, PO Box 130965, St. Paul, MN 55113.