Devotional Resources

Devotional Resources

Texts for the Daily Office: The Book of Common Prayer contains liturgies for several times of worship throughout the day that can be used for personal devotion. Each includes confession, reading of psalms and lessons (Scripture readings), and prayers. Morning & Evening Prayer are the primary times of worship in the daily office.

The Daily Office Lectionary: Following the Reformation principle that “the whole of Holy Scripture (or the greatest part thereof)” ought to be read each year, the daily lectionary offers a plan for reading through all of Scripture in either a year or two years. These readings are used within the daily office.

The Daily Office 2019: Looking for an easy version of the above. This website provides a digital version of the daily office with the appropriate psalms and lessons from the lectionary.

Collects of the Christian Year & Occasional Prayers: The Book of Common Prayer offers written prayers for the entire liturgical year as well as prayers for particular occasions.

Word & Table Podcast: Word and Table is a weekly podcast about liturgy, sacrament, and the great tradition of Christian worship and why it is vital in our world today.