Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Mar 30, 2025

Sunday Worship

Location Change (Mar. 30) This Sunday we will meet at Gathering Place Lutheran Church in lieu of our usual location. Worship time remains the same at 4:30 p.m. As we come together to worship God, we are transformed—in the way we live, the way we think, and the way we view ourselves and the world. In worship, we encounter the living God, who nurtures, renews, and heals our lives. Our hope is that anyone visiting our community will see firsthand…
Apr 18, 2025

Stations of the Cross for Households

Fourteen icons depicting Jesus’ Passion will be stationed around the room to guide you in meditation of the final hours leading to his crucifixion. With optional hands-on activities and crafts, this will be a devotional activity for all ages and the whole church family. 4–6 p.m. | Self-paced Stations available (with a bulletin to guide you) — come early to take your time 5 p.m. | Guided group meditation will process through the Stations using chant and liturgy
Apr 18, 2025

Good Friday Service

Behold the wood of the cross, on which was hung the world’s salvation. — Book of Common Prayer Join us on Good Friday at Calvary Church, 6 p.m., when we remember that Jesus suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God.  By the Cross we are redeemed and set free from bondage to sin and death so it becomes for us a sign of life in the midst of death. On this most somber of…
Apr 20, 2025

Easter Sunrise

He is not here, for he has risen. — Matthew 28:6 Like the women who went early to the tomb, we will gather at sunrise on the shores of Lake Johanna on Easter morning for a brief service of readings and music. Bring a lawn or camping chair and warm blanket and dress for the weather. We will have solo stoves for some warmth and coffee and croissants following the service.
Apr 20, 2025

Easter Sunday

He is not here, but has risen.— Luke 24:16 Easter is the great celebration of our church year and we hope you’ll join us as we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection! Bring bells to ring for the “Alleluia’s” during the service. Coffee and doughnuts will follow the service. Children & Infants Kids of the Redeemer, nursery to 5th grade, will meet on Easter Sunday. They will process in at the beginning and flower the cross before going to their own class until the…
Apr 26, 2025

Kids’ Listening Prayer

1st–5th Grades, Saturdays, 9:30–10:30 a.m. Our children have a deep capacity for prayer and a God who delights to connect with them. Join us on Saturdays as we pray our way through the church seasons. Kids will together explore several avenues of prayer, using their minds, senses, imaginations, and hearts to notice God’s nearness and listen for His voice. We’ll meet in the Christensens’ home unless otherwise noted. Hands-on crafts related to each theme will complete our time together and…