Dear Redeemer Youth Families,
I’m excited to invite you to the 2nd Annual Youth of the Redeemer camping trip. This year we are going to Baker Park Reserve, which is located 35 minutes west of the Cities. We chose this location because it is close and we were able to get a nice group camp site. The group site can accommodate up to 60 people. It has picnic tables, fire ring, restroom access, a volleyball net and a grass area for tents. If the weather is warm we could swim in the lake. We will definitely do a group hike!
This is a short overnight camping trip. We can arrive at 3:00 pm on Saturday September 17th and leave around 12:00 pm on Sunday the 18th.
Like last year, we will ask a parent to be present with their youth, or make arrangements with another friend’s parent to be the “designated-parent-in-charge”.

If you can join, please sign up here. If you need some camping gear please reach out, we have a lot of campers at Redeemer who can lend some items!
About 2 weeks before the trip we will send out more details and a sign-up sheet for food.
It will be fun!
(On behalf of the youth leadership team)