Our Gospel Story is a collection of resources designed to move you to show and share the love of Jesus. Join us as we encourage one another to discover how to show and share His love with those around us in winsome and creative ways. Theology comes to life when we put it into action!
- Join us via Zoom, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7–7:45 p.m., for the first of six 45-minute sessions of worship and study designed to equip and encourage you to show and share the message of the gospel. Subsequent sessions: 11/25, 12/9, 12/16, 12/30, and 1/6.
- Group participation is strongly encouraged. Session resources will be available for individual study if you have scheduling conflicts.
- Please RSVP using the link below.
Meeting ID: 821 4345 9371
Passcode: 983088
+13126266799, 82143459371#, 0#, 983088# US (Chicago)
+16465588656, 82143459371#, 0#, 983088# US (New York)
Resource: How to Join a Zoom Meeting