1st–5th Grades, Saturdays, 9:30–10:30 a.m.
Our children have a deep capacity for prayer and a God who delights to connect with them. Join us on Saturdays as we pray our way through the church seasons. Kids will together explore several avenues of prayer, using their minds, senses, imaginations, and hearts to notice God’s nearness and listen for His voice.
We’ll meet in the Christensens’ home unless otherwise noted. Hands-on crafts related to each theme will complete our time together and will include painting in October and candle decorating in December. We’re collaborating with Resurrection Anglican this year. Please join us!
KLP dates
Prayers of thanksgiving
Craft: Watercolor
December 7 ADVENT
The Journey
Craft: Candle Decorating
January 18 EPIPHANY
Jesus Is the Light for the World
Craft: Paper Lanterns
March 8* LENT
Circling Prayer
Craft: Wristbands
April 26* EASTER
Jesus is the True Vine
Craft: Grapevine Project
The Celtic Knot
Craft: Making Celtic Knots
* Location TBD