Dan Garnett
Katie Twist
Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wild fires singing Your name
God of mercy sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to Your design
May this offering stretch across the skies
And these Halleluiahs be multiplied
Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wild fires singing Your name
God of mercy sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to Your design
May this offering stretch across the skies
And these Halleluiahs be multiplied
Multiplying Rabbits
Amelia Keillor
By Dividing Multiplied
Molly Riley
He told us about the divided kingdom,
against itself from the start.
Waring within, weaker every day,
subtracted then flattened by its division.
We watched another kind of kingdom come,
one that divided common things
(thousands satisfied with pieces from a few fish,
one cup to slake thirst all around the table,
eyes opened when offered a slice from the loaf)
and by dividing multiplied.
against itself from the start.
Waring within, weaker every day,
subtracted then flattened by its division.
We watched another kind of kingdom come,
one that divided common things
(thousands satisfied with pieces from a few fish,
one cup to slake thirst all around the table,
eyes opened when offered a slice from the loaf)
and by dividing multiplied.
Feeding the 5,000
Liz Stewart
Jesus multiplied what we held in our hands to feed 5,000 children in Rwanda. Artwork by children at Church of the Cross.