

Kids of the Redeemer

Our Lord Jesus, God and Creator of the whole world, came to us as a tiny baby, fully dependent on his earthly parents for care and sustenance. Throughout his time on earth Jesus drew children into the midst of his ministry and into his very presence while he, himself, drew near to his heavenly Father with complete trust and dependence. Our invitation, through his example and command, is to be like children as we depend on our good Father. We are to embrace children as active participants in the church, placing children in the midst of our fellowship and understanding through their example the trust and openness needed in our approach to Jesus. We are strengthened and built up by the presence of children among us, and in turn are called, as parents and adults in the faith community, to protect, nurture, and instruct our children that the next generation might know (Ps 78) and tell of the great love and salvation of the Lord.

…we have sat at your feet, learned from your word, and eaten from your table.

‘The Sending’ from the Kenyan Rite

Every Sunday our church family comes together in Word and Sacrament. Adults gather for worship, scripture, and a sermon, and children gather for their own time of worship, Bible engagement, and learning. At the Peace, children return to the service for Holy Communion and gather as one with the rest of the church at the table of the Good Shepherd, where we all are sustained with the same spiritual food of Christ’s body and blood.

At each age and stage we pray that children…

the love
of the Father

in their love
for Jesus

the love of Jesus in the
power of the Spirit

Sundays this Summer

Summer KidConnect: God’s Ten Best Ways

Runs from July 7 through August 11 — 4:30 p.m.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

This summer we’ll dig into God’s Ten Best Ways, the 10 Commandments. These ten laws, given through Moses and satisfied in Jesus, are a source of life and flourishing in our own lives and relationships even today, thanks to the help of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we learn more about them! We’ll gather for singing, puppets, games, and learning. Children will return to their households, in the service, at the Peace to join the church family for communion at the Lord’s Table.

Our Ten Best Ways series is written with PreK–3rd grade in mind. Rising 4th–5th graders are welcome to join us, help out with little ones, or choose to stay in the sanctuary as may seem like the best fit.

Summer PreK & Kindergarten Class

June 23, 30 & August 18, 25 — 4:30 p.m.

On the Sundays before and after our Ten Best Ways summer series, children who are going into preschool and kindergarten in the fall will have a special class of their own, led by Ms. Julie! Older children remain in the service with their families on these Sundays. Contact Julie Willey ([email protected]) if you have questions.

Summer Nursery Care

Our littlest ones are cared for in the nursery by childcare workers and volunteers. Care throughout the summer will be available in room 115.

Children’s Leadership Team

CLT Chair & 1st – 3rd Grade

Sonia Keillor

Sonia was born and grew up in Minneapolis and in the liturgical tradition of her neighborhood Lutheran church (ELCA). She received elementary education and bible degrees from Northwestern College (UNW-SP). Along with her husband, Will, she joined the Anglican community in 2005 at Church of the Cross and came to Church of the Redeemer in 2010 as it was getting started. She and Will have four children–one in college, three at home–and live in Brooklyn Park. She enjoys inviting children on a pilgrim journey and showing them how to get ready, in body and mind, so that they have ears to hear and eyes to see God’s presence in their lives.

4th & 5th Grade

Sara Bramsen

Sara grew up as a missionary kid in Argentina, before coming back to the US to pursue degrees in French and literature at Oklahoma Baptist University (BA), Kentucky (MA) and Notre Dame (PhD). Sara and her husband, Andy, were married in 2005 and she is continuing her teaching career by homeschooling their four children. Sara visited Church of the Redeemer two days after moving to Minnesota in 2013 and has been here ever since. She has volunteered in children’s ministry since 2014 and is deeply honored to be learning alongside the 4th-5th grade class with “no greater joy than to hear that [our] children walk in truth” (3 John 4).

PreK & Kindergarten

Anna Wilson

Nursery ChildCare

Kenedi Graske

Kenedi attended The University of Northwestern in St. Paul and studied History and Biblical Studies. She now works in Bethel University’s Financial Aid Office. Kenedi and her husband, David, spent a year in England and love to travel. She also loves board games, spending time with family and friends, caring for children, and trying out new recipes.