Prayer Walk Initiative

Prayer Walk Initiative

As we continue to search for a new church home, we trust that God is preparing a location and community for us. This fall, we will seek the welfare of the communities closest to us by walking and praying through Roseville, Falcon Heights, and Lauderdale. Through monthly gatherings in September and October and dispersed daily individual walks, we will pray for the people who live and work in these communities.

How can you get involved?

  • Subscribe to Jon D.’s blog for prayer-walking ideas:
  • Track your individual walks and our congregation’s progress on our Church of the Redeemer map, which will be available and on display Sundays at church.
  • Send a picture of your prayer walk (a sight, a selfie, or a map of your walk) to Sonia to include in our weekly emails!
  • Join our gathered prayer walks
    • Wednesday, September 20, 7am, meet at Lauderdale Community Park (2328 Roselawn Ave, Lauderdale)
    • October 11, 7am, meet at Calvary Church
    • October 24, 7:15–8:15, Acorn Park in Rosville
    • November 15, 7–8 am, Roseville Passport Center